Nice to meet you!

Sarah den Boer is a cosmetology researcher with a scientific background in Cosmetic Sciences.
In addition, Sarah has extensive expertise in beauty care and massage techniques. She has taught at a private school for beauticians and runs her own skin care institute.
Sarah has worked for many years as a journalist and (lead/final) editor at several beauty magazines. As one of the few journalists, she was given access to the backstage teams of David Letterman (New York), Oprah Winfrey (Chicago), Le Moulin Rouge (Paris) and Le Crazy Horse (Paris). This gave her the chance to meet and interview the team members.
In 2012, Sarah translated Alain Passard’s cookbook in close collaboration with 3-star chef Alain Passard and the publishers Gallimard and TerraLannoo, which allowed the book to be released in the Netherlands and Belgium. This resulted in a successful book sale and in 2019, the book was awarded the prestigious Johannes van Dam Prize.